Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Phantom of the Traffic Light

 In the heart of Deepnagar, where the old and new mingled like old friends, there was an intersection that held more secrets than the city itself. It was here, on a quiet night, that Arjun found himself waiting for the traffic light to turn green. The silence was thick, almost tangible, and the air carried a chill that made him shiver. Suddenly, a sharp sting on his cheek jolted him from his thoughts. It felt as if an invisible hand had reached out and slapped him. His heart raced, and without a second thought, he fled his car, leaving it idling in the middle of the road.

Deepnagar was a city of contrasts, where neon lights flickered above ancient alleyways and the hum of modern life blended with the whispers of the past. Amidst this vibrant tapestry, there was an intersection that locals spoke of in hushed tones. The street lights there often flickered or went out completely, casting long, eerie shadows. The pedestrian crossing signal was erratic, sometimes flashing wildly, other times not working at all. At night, the junction transformed into a place of foreboding, avoided by motorists who feared the ghostly slap that had become the stuff of legend.

Motorists who experienced the slap were left bewildered and frightened. They felt a sudden, inexplicable sting on their cheek, followed by a chilling sense of being watched. Over time, the intersection gained a reputation, and people began to steer clear of it, especially after dusk.

One evening, Shabana and her husband, Amit, were driving through the notorious intersection. Shabana felt a sudden sting on her cheek and gasped, “Did you see that? Someone just slapped me!”

Amit looked around, bewildered. “There’s no one here, Shabana. You’re imagining things.”

“I’m not! I felt it, Amit. It was real,” Shabana insisted, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and frustration.

Amit sighed, exasperated. “You’re just tired. Let’s get home.”

The incident sparked a heated argument between them, with Shabana feeling scared and misunderstood, while Amit tried to rationalize the inexplicable.

One night, Raj, a lawyer known for his tenacity in solving difficult cases, experienced the ghostly slap. Unlike others, Raj was intrigued rather than scared. He felt the sting on his cheek and the chill in the air, but instead of fleeing, he decided to investigate. Raj’s curiosity was piqued, and he became determined to uncover the mystery behind the ghostly slaps.

As he drove away from the intersection, Raj’s mind raced. What just happened? That slap felt so real. But how? He couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to this than a simple prank. I need to get to the bottom of this. There’s something here that doesn’t add up.

Raj began his investigation by visiting the intersection during the day. He walked around, talking to local shop owners and residents, gathering stories. Each conversation added a new layer to the mystery. That night, he returned to the intersection, observing the flickering street lights and erratic pedestrian signals. The eerie ambiance seemed to whisper secrets of its own.

Feeling the need for a different perspective, Raj decided to visit his friend Vincent, a man with a keen interest in mysterious events and ghostly activities. Vincent’s apartment was filled with books on the paranormal, and strange artifacts from his investigations adorned the shelves.

“Vincent, I need your help,” Raj said, entering the cluttered room.

Vincent looked up from his book, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. “What’s got you spooked, Raj?”

Raj recounted his experience at the intersection, describing the ghostly slap and the eerie atmosphere. Vincent listened intently, nodding occasionally.

“Sounds like classic ghost activity,” Vincent said thoughtfully. “Spirits often linger at the site of their death, especially if they have unfinished business.”

“You think it’s a ghost?” Raj asked, skeptical but intrigued.

Vincent shrugged. “It’s a possibility. The slap, the cold chill, the defective lights—all signs point to a restless spirit. You should look into any tragic events that happened at that intersection.”

Raj nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. “Thanks, Vincent. I’ll dig deeper.” 

Raj's investigations had uncovered the tragic death of a young woman named Maya who worked at Farzon's cafe. His next stop was the café, a cozy spot known for its warm atmosphere and excellent chai. Farzon Chaiwala, a wise man with a kind demeanor, greeted Raj with a sad smile.

“Farzon, I need to ask you about Maya,” Raj began gently.

Farzon’s eyes clouded with sorrow. “Maya was like a daughter to me. She worked here, brightening everyone’s day with her smile. Every night, after closing the café, she would cross that cursed junction to get to her apartment.”

Raj listened intently as Farzon continued, “One evening, she was struck down by a speeding car. The driver ran the red light and fled, leaving Maya to die alone on the cold pavement. It broke my heart, Raj. She didn’t deserve that.”

Raj felt a deep sense of responsibility. “I’m going to find out who did this, Farzon. Maya deserves justice.”

Using his professional network, Raj accessed old police reports and newspaper archives. He discovered that the driver who killed Maya was a woman named Anjali. When Raj finally confronted Anjali, she was a shadow of her former self. Her eyes were haunted, and her hands trembled as she spoke.

“Why did you run?” Raj asked gently, trying to understand.

Anjali’s voice was barely a whisper. “I was drinking that night. I was sober enough to drive but not so sober to see Maya in the eerie shadows. I saw her too late… I couldn’t stop. And then… I just panicked.”

“You’ve been hiding ever since,” Raj said, more a statement than a question.

Anjali nodded, tears streaming down her face. “Every day, I think about that night. I see her face in my dreams. I hear the sound of the impact. I can’t escape it. I’ve been living in my own prison of guilt and shame.”

Raj felt a pang of sympathy. “It’s time to face the consequences, Anjali. For Maya’s sake, and for your own.”

Anjali nodded again, resigned. “I know. I deserve whatever punishment comes my way. I just hope… I hope Maya can find peace.”

Raj’s relentless pursuit of the truth led to Anjali’s arrest and the uncovering of the negligence of city officials who failed to maintain the traffic lights, holding them accountable as well.

Raj’s efforts not only brought peace to Maya’s restless spirit but also raised awareness about the dangers of reckless driving and the importance of maintaining city infrastructure. The intersection was finally repaired, and the ghostly slaps ceased, leaving Deepnagar to buzz with life once more, free from the haunting presence of Maya’s spirit.

(Content edited using Bing Co-pilot in Ruskin Bond's style and images generated by DALL-E)

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Playlist of beautiful Kannada songs on Sun

ಸೂರ್ಯನ ಕುರಿತ ಕನ್ನಡದ ಅದ್ಭುತ ಚಿತ್ರಗೀತೆಗಳು  Here is the YouTube playlist